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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Choosing a California Fashion Design Schools

Fashion Design Schools

Lets look at California for Fashion Design Schools. If you are thinking about going to a Fashion Design Schools, then California is the place for you. There are many California Fashion Design Schools to pick from. Some may be good, some may be bad, but surely you will find the best one for you. How do you choose a California Fashion Design Schools? Here are some tips and standards you can use to get you started:

1) Location – some people may not care where a Fashion Design Schools is as long as it is inside California. However, you should realize that California Fashion Design Schools can often be judged through their locations. Find a California Fashion Design Schools which is near fashion centers. This means you need to find a California Fashion Design Schools which is located where all the action is. This will help you as a student since it will give you exposure to what’s out there in the real world.

Some students would prefer a California Fashion Design Schools that’s located in a place which would inspire them. Some choose to attend California Fashion Design Schools which are located near the sea or close to nature. From the scenery, a student can gain inspiration enough to produce a new work of couture art.

2) Affiliated or Independent – should you go with a California Fashion Design Schools which is a part of a prestigious university, or should you go to one which stands on its own? There are cases when a California Fashion Design Schools within a university is better since the name on your resume will help you get great jobs easier. However, there is also something to be said for an independent Fashion Design Schools which can hold its own against the big names.

One thing you should consider is the fact that in a big Fashion Design Schools, you are mostly paying for the name of the school and not for the quality of education. You are paying additional cash to have the name of the university on your resume. This would help you get a job easier.

The fashion world, however, rarely cares for the name of a university if it does not perform well. If you have the name of a great independent Fashion Design Schools on your list, you might find it easier to get a job.

3) Cost – there is also the cost to think about. California Fashion Design Schools cost money. There is no denying that fact. The question that remains is: “how much money should it cost you?”

There are, of course, schools which offer discounted tuition for various reasons. Some are suffering declines in enrollment. Some may just be starting their operation and are trying to break into the market. In opting for these schools, you could save a lot of cash. However, you should consider that you might be sacrificing quality for cost.

You could also consider going to Fashion Design Schools which are more prestigious. These schools may ask you to pay a lot of cash in order to study there. However, you should remember that high cost doesn’t necessarily equal high quality. You need to realize that in some schools you will not be paying form an education but you will be paying for the name.

Choosing a California Fashion Design Schools might seem like a hard task. However, by considering these tips and truly knowing what you want, you can make it a very easy experience for you.

Fashion Design Schools

Choosing the Best Fashion Design Schools for You (Fashion Design Schools)

Fashion Design Schools

In today’s post, this blog on Fashion Design Schools will again touch on how to choose best Fashion Design Schools for you. The word “best” is always relative. What’s best for you may not be the best for others. This is the reason why you should not trust a business that claims to be the best. You need to compare various Fashion Design Schools in order to actually find the best one for you. In comparing Fashion Design Schools, however, you are going to need some standards. Here are some standards you can use:

1) Cost – some people think that the best Fashion Design Schools are the most expensive ones. These people think that just because education is expensive, it is also high quality. What you need to know is that studying fashion is not cheap. However, it doesn’t really need to be ridiculously expensive. Some Fashion Design Schools just want to appear exclusive in order to attract more students. They pretend to be the best Fashion Design Schools by charging outrageous fees to those who wish to be students.

Because of this, you should understand that cost is not the best standard to use in judging quality.

2) Location – there are people who think that attending the best Fashion Design Schools means going to Europe. They believe that in order for a Fashion Design Schools to be among the best, it should be located as far away from their hometown as possible. There are some positives to this view. Schools located in fashion centers tend to be more aggressive in their education. They also tend to be more updated on the world of fashion. If this is the sort of school you think is best for you then go attend it.

You need to remember, however, that some things require a lot of sacrifice.

3) Prestige – some people think that the best Fashion Design Schools are the ones that get featured in magazines and the television. They believe that attending such schools would rub a little of the prestige of onto them. People believe that the best Fashion Design Schools are the most well-known ones. However, you need to remember that sometimes, the best Fashion Design Schools like to keep quiet about their greatness. All the magazines in the world could not compare to the testimonials of other people. It is often the case that the best Fashion Design Schools do not get known through the papers, but through the words of their students.

4) Instructors – some think that the best Fashion Design Schools are the ones which hire famous personalities as instructors. In fact, they may have a point. People in the fashion industry do not get famous if nobody likes their work. However, there is one drawback to this: people in the fashion industry are almost always competing against each other. This competition can be very distracting and may hinder the learning process.

5) The alumni – there are also people who think that the best Fashion Design Schools are the ones attended by successful personalities. They believe that the past will be the guide of people to face the future. Because of this, people often seek out the schools of well known fashion personalities and set out to fulfill their dreams.

Before you use this standard to judge the best Fashion Design Schools, you need to remember that schooling is only a small part of a person’s greatness. It is an important part, of that you can be sure. However, you need to remember that greatness always lies within yourself. Good luck.

Fashion Design Schools

Fashion Design Schools: Choosing the BEST among the Rest (Fashion Design Schools)

 Fashion Design Schools

This blog on  Fashion Design Schools have questions for you. Do you know how to sew? Do you enjoy creating designs? Do you love following or changing patterns to come up with a piece of clothing? If fashion is simply just your passion, then you might just be right for one of the best fashion design schools

Here are some reasons why you should attend one of the best fashion design schools:

•    You will learn about the most up-to-date styles that many people would consider buying.
•    If you are unsure whether you will be able to make a living out of your interest in fashion, your level of confidence will greatly increase once you obtained a degree.
•    Studying about and later working on, a field that you love is very rewarding.
•    You will learn about the various principles behind the patterns you have worked on in the past, as well as the ones you will be working on in the future.
•    You will also be knowledgeable on mixing and matching colors to magnify the shape and cut of your creations. 
•    You will know more about keeping your clothes together - other than just stitching!  Talk about endless possibilities.
•    Fashion design school will expose you to different kinds of people – working with them, incorporating their ideas with your own, and developing relationships with those who share  the same feeling toward fashion.
•   These relationships will set the foundation for meeting potential employees, employers, or business partners – all whom you will need when you start your foray into the fashion world.

There are numerous fashion design schools globally. Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, found in London, is considered by some as the most famous of them all. Other world-renowned schools are The Royal College of Arts in London, the London College of Fashion, Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, AIU in Los Angeles, and Parsons The New School for Design in New York City. 

Most courses in the fashion design schools mentioned above last for about three years.

The next question, however, will be, how do you choose the best fashion design schools for you?

Here are 10 helpful tips to help you in your decision making:

Tip#1 – Determine what you would like to major in. From there, search for a school that offers the program that you like.

Tip#2 – Have a list of criteria that you would like to take a look into in your search for the perfect fashion design schools. These criteria may include program offering, major and minor subjects, costs, location, placement record, and many more.

Tip#3 – You may now construct a list of selected fashion design schools.

Tip#4 – Gather all necessary resources and information about each of your selected fashion design schools. Find their websites and do your research.

Tip#5 – Narrow down your list further by using the criteria you have set in Tip#2.

Tip#6 – Inspect the fashion design schools left on your list. It would be good if you can visit these schools personally. But if not, try to obtain a video or look for a virtual tour in their websites.

Tip#7 – File your application to the schools that met your criteria.

Tip#8 – While waiting to hear from the schools you sent your application to, search for scholarship grants in the Internet.

Tip#9 – Make your final decision based on the responses you got from the fashion design schools that you applied to, as well as the scholarship grantors' response. Carefully review your notes, consider funding, and finally, decide.

Tip#10 – Get ready to embark on a journey that you have never quite experienced before! 

Off you go to the one of the best fashion design schools in the world! Good luck.

fashion design schools

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